Astrology Reading: Venus enters Taurus April 29, 2024

Apr 29, 2024


Captivating Venus enters Taurus and there is no better time than now to celebrate it with lavish gifts, delectable meals, and indulgent trips to the spa to nurture your body and senses. Being an Earth sign, Taurus appreciates all the beauty of this physical world.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, where it is in dignity (at home base) so there is no better union (well, other than Libra but shhh) for this cosmic duo. It exudes creativity, beauty, financial strength, and respect and nurturing for Mother Earth. It's Venus' highest vibration (so as Libra but - shhh). 

See in which zodiac your Venus is, and it'll tell you about your taste preferences and occupations that align with you. 

In medical astrology, Taurus governs the neck so Taureans welcome neck massages anytime of the day. They also make for a savvy investor as they value what they earn.  

Venus in Taurus values serenity but that could be disturbed on Apr 30th when it'll square Pluto which could trigger jealousy and manipulative behavior. 

On May 13, Venus will link up with Saturn which will foster commitment to long-term aspirations, business ideas and relationships.  

On May 18, Venus will join spontaneous Uranus so watch out for good news when it comes to love and money matters. 

On May 23, Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, will conjunct Venus making it a great day for investments and romantic matters. Then Neptune syncs up and joins the party bringing sensual, dreamy vibes to romantic relationships. 

So enjoy this beautiful time which happens to be right on the back of the most potent conjunction of the year, when Jupiter joined Uranus on April 20th at 21° of Taurus. In case missed it, you can read about it below.

Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21° of Taurus

Apr 20, 2024 

This is the most pivotal astrological transit of the year, one that promises to significantly impact our lives.

Jupiter, symbolizing luck and expansion, aligns with the innovative energy of chaotic Uranus, the planet of unexpected events and surprises, on April 20th in once-in-14-year conjunction. And last time this conjunction was in the sign of Taurus was in 1941. 

Taurus is an Earth sign. It symbolizes finances, food, the physical body, and Mother Earth. 

It is ruled by Venus, which represents love, art, aesthetics, and means of making money. The changes happening this week signal a profound and enduring shift in our culture, which will shape the trajectory for the next decade and beyond. So think of disruptive art, fashion, music trends, agricultural and financial developments, new currencies and ways of making money. Especially with the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence. Taurus rules money so with chaotic Uranus, there might be sudden financial shake-ups - some can lose everything, others can get very rich. 

On a personal level, this convergence creates fantastic energy where initiative will be rewarded. Think of massive breakthroughs - launch a business and watch it grow! It's time to make it or break it. It’s time to break free and go your own way. Embrace the mantra of "Carpe diem" on this auspicious occasion! 

Even if what is happening to you and around you is totally wacky and out of this world, Jupiter is the great benefic so know that it's for the greater good. Let go if something is taken away from you – it will set you free – and embrace whatever new comes your way. 

Check out where 21° of Taurus falls in your chart as that's the area of your life that will be shaken up! And here is how this auspicious transit affects each Rising sign:  


It falls in the second house of your finances and self-worth. So think about unconventional ways of making money. April 20th could be a game-changer so seize this opportunity for exponential growth. Until May, your financial prospects are exceptionally promising, urging you to recognize your self-worth and chase your dreams, whether through alternative income or launching a business.


The conjunction is in the first house of Self. You will be reinventing yourself, your image, and transforming the way you present yourself to the world. Tap into your inner vision and connect to it. With Jupiter and Uranus being in your sign, luck smiles upon you — a cosmic alignment that occurs once every 14 years. So seize this moment, aim high, and reach for the stars.


The conjunction is in the twelfth house making it a very spiritual time during which you could discover hidden truths and intuitive abilities or have important aha moments. 

"Know thyself" becomes your motto, with Jupiter and Uranus in the sector of subconscious patterns. It might be a good time to go on a retreat or immerse yourself in solitude and focus on what’s important and brings joy.


The conjunction is in the eleventh house. Unconventional and powerful people or group associations could enter your life. Your online persona could receive a lot of attention suddenly. The eleventh house symbolizes the future and manifesting your dreams and goals into reality. It’s a celebratory house. You could receive good news about a child or in relation to children. 


The conjunction is in the tenth house. Your career is set to sizzle, promising exponential growth. Think unexpected career advancements, promotions or a rise of status and fame. It could also be a marital status change such as getting married or divorced. 


The conjunction is in the ninth house. You could see sudden substantial opportunities in publishing, broadcasting, teaching. There could be unexpected travel abroad or you’ll start a new course of study. Jupiter’s lucky energy in the travel sector can bring good news about pending visa, green card, or citizenship application. 


Libras will have a helping hand which could bring an unexpected funding or investment opportunity or merging of resources or inheritance with the conjunction in the eighth house. Your intimate experiences with your partner will also be positively affected by this transit. 


April 20th brings Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the seventh house, igniting your relationship sector. Expect fireworks and rewarding partnerships, be it in business or marriage. Yet, if a relationship doesn't align with its highest purpose, this cosmic duo could mark its end.


The conjunction is in the sixth house. Jupiter's energy boosts your daily routine and work tasks, potentially bringing unexpected new job opportunity with new responsibilities or changes to your daily grind, you could learn something about your health that will lead you to make sudden changes to your habits or you could even get a pet.


Dear hard-working Caps, Cupid could strike your heart with his arrow so embrace new romance since the conjunction is in the fifth house. If attached, you might start a new creative hobby which could turn into something bigger, or you might receive unexpected, good news about your project.


April 20th brings a major event with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in your home and family sector represented by fourth house. It could offer luck in finding a new home or welcome addition to the family. Complete home renovations before May when Jupiter shifts to your Love sector, where you can enjoy your life and play. 


Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be in the third house of media and communication so it’s a great time to share your message with the world, to  meet new people, and embrace spontaneous short trips for potential future rewards. It is also a house which rules siblings so there might be some sudden news or developments there. 

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